This church was founded on 16th March 2002 in a Single roomed Iron -sheets ( Mabati) Structure with five adult believers in attendance.
The beginning was very humble but the Lord has continued to be on our side. Zachariah 4:10
Prime vision: All believers are encouraged to witness and win the their relatives and neighbors Luke 15:10
The mission for the church is we exist as a mission minded and disciple centered ministry. Romans 15:20, Col 1:28-29
Our core values are we continue to put more emphasis on the family to be a strong-base for the community to advance in every area its being.
I believe in a strong family unit which will give birth to an ever growing church. Which will lead to a prosperous nation, then we'll have a safer world to live in the fear of the most high God.
Our Worship Services
Our church services are as follows:
Sunday Service
Sunday School: 8:30 am -9:30 am
Youth Bible Studies: 9:00 am - 9:30 am
Bible Studies: 9:30 am -10:45 am
Main Service: 10:55 am - 12:45 pm
0ur Departments:
Pastoral Team
Sunday School:
Overnight Prayer Meeting: 1st Friday 9:00 pm- 5:30 am

Rev. Jones Musyoka heard a clear call to the ministry in mid 1994. The following year 1995 he pioneered the first Church in Eastern part of Kenya. This is his area of birth later he surrendered that church to another ministry. Today that church exists with other sister Churches.
On the 8th Dec 1998 Jones got married to Cecilia whom they're blessed with two children Jemimah and Hiram.
Rev Jones has a Vision to build the body of Christ globally. He encourages and challenges the congregation to have a vision to win lost souls. Through what he calls lifestyle Evangelism. He says by your lifestyle you're capable of bringing a million souls to the Kingdom of God or vice-verse take the same to hell.
To this far He has traveled extensively in his nation Kenya preaching and teaching the Gospel. He has been to several nations. In future he plans to travel to Germany, Switzerland, Nigeria , USA and many other nations of the world to propagate the Un compromised Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Acts 4:29
Rev. Jones has also been training Pastors and Church leaders since 2012. Through his training program Kingdom Builders Discipleship Centre {K.B.D.C} they have planted several churches in Maasai land, Kamba land and Coastal areas of Kenya. Additionally over 100 Pastors and leaders have been commissioned for Kingdom service.
Rev Jones has been to various Bible schools eg Bible Training Centre for Pastors, The Bible League, School of Christ International, International College of Bible Theology, Life School International, currently taking a Diploma course at Berea College and A Degree program on church relations at Ministry of Fire Christian University.