Tuesday, 3 November 2015


I hope this message finds you in perfect guidance in the Lord. For close to thirty years i have walked with the Lord and Twenty years i am in His service i have daily seen people from all walks of life struggle in this area of Giving.Let me narrow down to this compound and hard word for many people to practice ''Generosity''
What is Generosity? To me i think it is the very Nature and the Heart of God to be generous. From the most quoted verse John 3:16 God Loved the World{You}He gave.When we try to go deeper to that verse 'you can not give without having a heart compelled with Love.
The reason why most of us struggle with being generous is very simple 'we are created with the spirit of Selfshness and we're strongly wired to it! If you want to know what i am talking about go to a SuperMarket or any shop and buy something like a chocolate to your child if you have one,when you reach home give it to him or her,after they get ask them to give back to you! You will be shocked majority of them will not want to give back to you.The same applies to us always we think we need all and we should not give back.
Again what is Generosity? In simple terms Generosity is not a Moment,an Event but a Lifestyle. It is generated from a grateful heart and spirit. In other words if we're grateful towards a person or a church we will be generous enough to take of that church or Pastor!
Number two Generosity is never a guessing game But a Blessing game. Acts 20:34-35,Proverbs 11:24.
Number Three:Generosity is Contagious with this we can say if we generate acts of Extravagance towards the hands and lives of others it will amaze and startle the world. James 1:27
The last one for today Generosity is about looking for people,places and things to share our Time,Talents and Resources.So kindly i pray  for you from today and henceforth you develop a Generous Spirit. Remember the hand that gives or supplies is ever open and closed hand will never receive! Whenever God gives you He wants you act like a Pipe to pass those blessings to others and when you withhold you definitely block your Pipe to receive more!
My greatest saying goes like this 'i have never seen anyone become poor for giving BUT i have seen many Become Poor for lack of GIVING!The choice is yours may dear friend.More on this subject will follow in future posts.
God richly bless you as read this revolutionary message.

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